LOCATION for ALL classes. Join us at Amsa Yoga at 140 Pelham Dr. Columbia, SC 292
LOCATION for ALL classes. Join us at Amsa Yoga at 140 Pelham Dr. Columbia, SC 292
Our teachers have been rigorously trained over many years in a broad and in-depth curriculum that encompasses studies in eastern philosophy and yoga history, biomechanics, anatomy, detailed postural alignment, therapeutics, and the art of teaching yoga.
“Beauty is whatever gives joy.” ― Edna St. Vincent Millay
Yoga invites you to engage life fully to become skilled at being yourself. I first came to my yoga mat in 1994 as way to unite a dedicated physical discipline with a spiritual one. Having earned a degree in Art History, I understood the universal experience of Beauty as Joy. For me, this implies that when we experience something in life that inspires indescribable wonder, awe, delight…be that through art, nature, relationships, or yoga…then we are more connected (yoked) to this precious day, to each other, and to our vital essence: our Bliss. A yoga mat is a mirror of who we are--and yoga, like life, asks for devoted practice, a quest for integrity, and a healthy dose of self–reflection.
The deepening of my own practice stoked the spiritual seeker in me on a “heroine’s quest” to Nepal in 1996 and to India in 1997 to study where the yoga tradition began. I learned plenty in those many months of challenging travel, but mostly, I grew into myself and appreciated the power of yoga as a daily practice. Upon my return I was inspired to pioneer yoga in Columbia, SC, teaching classes for several years in kindergarten rooms, ballet schools, gyms, and church basements.
In 2003 I opened the first yoga studio in town, City Yoga. With further in-depth and rigorous study, I became certified in Anusara Yoga in 2006 and embarked upon a deeper study of philosophy, meditation, and Ayurveda. In 2017, I produced and hosted the first season of Yoga in Practice for South Carolina Educational Television. This 30-minute show, now in its fourth season, is broadcast nationally on PBS stations and internationally in the UK.
My classes, workshops, and trainings encourage the inquisitive student to step into his/her/their own empowerment through a vigorous practice firmly rooted in the philosophical teachings upon which yoga grew. Over my years of teaching, I have seen all types of students, bodies, and issues…and I have come to appreciate that we ALL wish to be healthy, content, free, and fulfilled. My own yoga journey helps me to get up when I feel knocked down, brings clarity to confusion, and cultivates courage when I feel I have none. I want this and much more for my students no matter where they may be on the path of self-discovery.
Tina has been practicing yoga for more than two decades and has been teaching since 2014. She began practicing for the physical benefits but soon discovered yoga had so much more to offer. Yoga has helped her develop balance, strength, and flexibility on and off the mat. It has taught her to slow down, notice her breath, and appreciate life. Yoga has been an invaluable source of support in her career as a lawyer.
Tina completed a 200-hour training through Rasika Yoga School, founded by her primary teacher, Stacey Millner-Collins, and teachers Kelley Gardner and Sarah Faircloth. Tina has continued her education through self-guided learning and by attending classes, workshops, and retreats focused on yoga asana, philosophy, meditation, pranayama, and Ayurveda.
As a teacher, Tina strives to be a good steward of the practice and help others experience the many benefits of yoga.
I started practicing yoga during college to counter my gym crazed workouts. It was always a way for me to find a little bit of myself every time I stepped on my mat – so important during the hectic years of my early young adulthood. I still find comfort on my mat – and laughter and tears. In my years of teaching, I’ve taught a wide variety of people, from people with disabilities to athletes. My biggest joys in teaching come from not only sharing the practice itself but also a bit of who I am with the world. I hope people walk out of my classes feeling better, with a broader perspective, and actually apply what they learn on their mat into their lives.
Now the formal stuff: I’ve dedicated my life to helping others find healthy balance. I received a Master’s Degree in Public Health from USC. I am certified Anusara Yoga Instructor (formerly licensed). I also have specialty training in adaptive yoga. As a former YogaFit master trainer, I’ve travelled all over the east coast teaching and sharing the practice of yoga.
When not on my mat, I enjoy the usual – friends, food, wine, good conversation, and a great movie (sometimes all at once). I’m always down for dancing around my living room in my pajamas. My cat runs my house. I’ve been known to “talk” to my television when my favorite shows are on. I LOVE good music. Finally, my dry sense of humor extends into everything that I do…be forewarned.
Yoga is a way of life for me, because to me yoga is life. I see the mat as a playground and asana as an opportunity to explore balance, humility and possibility...and to have fun doing it. I'm a playful teacher and student of yoga and love to laugh with my students even as we bring a focused intention to each practice.
I bring almost 20 years of practice to my teaching, as well as my experience as a professional speech coach and public relations consultant. My more distant background of teaching and dancing ballet, tap and jazz also influences how I look at yoga: as a life-long dance that constantly reminds me that I don't always lead... my husband, Walker and sons Walker and Mitchell might like for me to remember that a little more often! Stacey Millner-Collins has always been my primary teacher, and watching her grow City Yoga over the last decade has been a particular pleasure for me. Thanks to Stacey, I have been exposed to and practiced with many other teachers from around the country and have been teaching for 17 years.
I often ask students why they practice yoga and encourage them to revisit that question each time they come to the mat. I've learned over the years that the "why" of my practice is far more significant than simply maneuvering my body into different shapes. The poses are a beginning, not an ending, and it is with that mindset that I approach every class I teach.